Compare two Excel files for differences using xlCompare

Compare two Excel files or sheets for differences

xlCompare is an efficient spreadsheet comparison tool that compares Excel files or sheets for differences. It shows difference between Excel files, filters unique and modified rows, merges changes in Excel files and solves a lot of other tasks, based on spreadsheet comparison.

How to find and highlight differences in two Excel files or sheets

There are several methods you can use to find matching rows on two Excel sheets and highlight them with color. xlCompare is one of the popular tools that gives you comprehensive diffrence report for two or three Excel sheets(files). Spreadsheet Tools gives you a the most complete, fast, and easy-to-use excel file comparison solution to address the wide range of business challenges, that require spreadsheet comparison.

xlCompare gives you following benefits over other spreadsheet comparison methods


Simplicity reveals the beauty of xlCompare. Advantage of xlCompare is not only to efficiently compare or merge Excel sheets or files, but to do this process as simple and convenient as possible.
Compare Excel files using xlCompare

Minimized risk of error

If you are doing your work manually - risk of mistake is much higher than if you are using professional tool.
Minimized risk of error

Increase in Productivity

xlCompare greately increases your productivity. You need to do only a few simple clicks to get the results. If you decide to use VLOOKUP, Conditional Formatting or VBA macros - there will be much more actions you need to do.
Filter rows that are present on two Excel worksheets

Incredible performance

xlCompare is extremely fast on the large Excel files. xlCompare processes 1 million of rows in a few seconds.
Compare large Excel files

Perfect color-coded report

xlCompare gives you color coded diff report where you easily identify the differences. You can Print highlighted report in the PDF format. Export comparison report with all formatting into PDF file.
Difference report for Excel files

Compare two columns for matches in Excel

Compare two columns for differences and matches in Excel files. Hide columns you don't need in your report. Ignore fields in your table that should not be compared.
Filter data by specific segments and analyze only the records you need. Be focused on the differences in data and not on the comparison process.
Compare two columns in Excel
In the article below you will find the detailed information on how xlCompare can help you to compare two columns for diffs and matches.

3-way compare and merge

3-way worksheet comparison. You can use xlCompare as external diff tool in version control systems.
3-way Excel file comparison
If you have Excel files (XLS\XLSX\XLSM) in your Git environment (or other version control system) - you can use xlCompare as external diff and merge tool for this type of files.
Visit this article to get the complete guide on how to compare multiple Excel files by using xlCompare and alternate methods, you can use in Excel application.

Explore Formula Logic (FREE)

Analyze internal formula logic, find and fix errors in your Excel models. xlCompare is a FREE formula evaluator and debugger for Excel files. Find our how output cells in your model depend on the input cell. xlCompare is a perfect FREE alternative to Trace Dependents command in Excel.
Evaluate Formula Structure in Excel

Why do you need xlCompare?

xlCompare saves your working time, spent on comparing Excel files. Time is valuable resource in the modern business processes.
excel file comparison tool diff report

Quick and efficient tool

xlCompare compares large Excel files within seconds with a maximum accuracy. Get extremely clear and easy to understand comparison report.

Merge multiple excel sheets

Consolidate contents of multiple excel files or sheets into one, excluding existing rows. Optionally highlight inserted rows with color.

Compare tables by key columns

Get the best comparison results with primary key columns and rows (table heading) defined on the worksheet. More ...

Compare 3 Excel files

Use xlCompare as a xlsx diff checker, that offers 3-way comparison and merge option for excel files. Compare 3 Excel files for differences.

Check your Excel files for new and updated rows

Your colleague inserted some rows into common worksheet. No problems. xlCompare will point you to rows that were inserted or deleted!

Find matching rows in two worksheets

Compare your Excel files for differences with xlCompare and apply filter matching rows command. xlCompare displays rows that are present in both Excel files, excluding added and removed ones. Save them into other workbook by using Save | Visible Rows in the Right Click Menu.

Command line mode

All commands that are present in the xl comparator are available from the command line. You can compare and merge Excel files in a batch mode.

Compare Visual Basic projects

Compare VBA Projects in Excel files. Process code modules and forms including controls. Merge all changes in the forms controls and VBA modules, that were found in two Excel files. More ...

What our customers say about xlCompare?

Fundamental tool

As a professional Excel/VBA developer, XLCompare has become a fundamental tool in my development process. It works on even the most code-heavy and complex of workbooks, and is something I just couldn't do without.
Peter Hamilton, XY Spreadsheet Solutions

Very nice software

Very nice your software, the 3 ways blowed my mind out, I did a 2h job in 10 minutes (I looked 5 sec at my screen without moving because I was so surprised).
Olivier Regout

The only tool I've found

XLCompare has been able to handle our files very well. XLCompare was the only tool I have found able to handle these files at all. And with your company's very fast responses and fixes to the problems that I have identified along the way, we have been very happy with XLCompare and it capabilities.
Robert B.

The best excel comparison software!

I need to compare database reports from my co-workers every day and this tool saves a lot of my time. It compares 2 large workbooks in several seconds. Comparison report is perfect. Data can be easily merged and saved directly in the report. Very useful tool.
Ralph Langley

Please, give us your feedback about xlCompare!

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Use this form to ask any question about xlCompare, schedule a demo, etc.

I would like to see how it works

light Contact us if you would like to see the demo. Our team will be happy to introduce xlCompare features and options for you on the real examples.

xlCompare Product News

xlCompare 11.0 was published!
This is more than a regular update. xlCompare get new features and was significantly redesigned.
10/26/22 - 10/28/22
xlCompare was presented on the Japan IT Week in Tokyo by our partner HULINKS Inc..
xlCompare on Japan IT Week
Trace Precedents in Excel worksheets using xlCompare. Alternative way to get list of precedents in your Excel model.
How to evaluate formula values in Excel files using xlCompare. Additional feature you can use for free to debug your models. Perfect replacement for standard Evaluate Formula tool in Excel.
Spreadsheet Tools established partnership with HULINKS Inc. to distribute xlCompare (Excel Diffツール) on the Japanese market.
「Spreadsheet Tools社と素晴らしいパートナー契約ができたことをうれしく思います。xlCompareは当社のドキュメントソリューションに貢献してくれるでしょう」 株式会社ヒューリンクス 常務執行役員 若林 登
[プレスリリース] ウクライナ Spreadsheet Tools 社との販売バートナーシップ契約締結について
Major update 10.7 was released!
We suggest you to upgrade your xlCompare to the most recent version. This update is free for all registered customers.
Let's talk about ExcelDiff Tool.

How it works: Difference Report

Compare cells in Excel files in detail

Compare Values

xlCompare compares values of the corresponding cells in the left and right panels.
Cells with different values receive color formatting:
  • Orange background color
  • Red border color
You will easily identify them among other cells on your worksheets.
Compare cell values in Excel Different cell values in Excel worksheets

Difference in cell values

xlCompare has an option to display difference in the changed cell values.
Instead of adding value of the corresponding cell, xlCompare shows you difference between value of this cell and value of the corresponding one.
This option is extremely useful if you are working with tables, that contain numerical data - financial statements, price lists, accounting statements, etc.
Difference in cell values in Excel xlCompare displays how one cell differs from another one

Compare Formulas in Excel

Formulas are compared on the function level. xlCompare divides formula into the logical expression and compares corresponding parts.
This algorithm allows xlCompare to determine and reject changes caused by inserted and deleted rows.
Compare formulas in Excel Different formulas with highlighted changes

Compare Formula Values in Excel

Values of the calculated cells (that contains formulas) receive different color formatting.
This formatting means that value in the cell was changed, but formula is the same.
So, in fact this cell was not changed. xlCompare doesn't add merge command to this cell.
Compare formula values in Excel Different formula values (calculated cells)

Compare cell formatting

xlCompare detects modifications in the cell formatting in addition to processing cell values.
If your colleague reformatted some cells, for example, highlighted group of cells with red background - xlCompare points you directly to this group.
xlCompare detects changes in:
  • Background color
  • Border style and color
  • Text color
  • Font name and size
  • Text Alignment
  • Number Formatting
Compare cell formatting in Excel Highlighted cells with different font options

Complete list of changed cells

xlCompare collects all changed cells found in two Excel files and publish them in the bottom part of the window.
All modifications are grouped by the worksheet and by type.
Legend area on the left side of the Difference Explorer displays statistics for the comparison.
Use legend items to filter various types of the differences in the Difference Explorer window.
Complete list of changed cells in Excel Difference Explorer: complete comparison summary

Clear and easy to understand comparison report

Boost your productivity with Excel Compare! In a few seconds, you'll get a comprehensive report with minimum efforts.
First screen that you see after you press Compare button is the comparison report. This is the most important part of the xlCompare tool.
The results you are getting on your screen should be as easy to understand as possible. You don't need to waste your working time to learn the tool.
We've spent years to polish the report by using customer's suggestions. And new xlCompare has very native color-coded report for the compared Excel spreadsheets.
Look into this section for more information on the features used in xlCompare:

Differences are highlighted with background color

Compare Excel files and highlight differences
All discrepancies that were found by xlCompare receive color formatting on the worksheet. This makes them different from the other cells on the worksheets. You can easily identify changed cells and inserted rows among other data in your Excel file.

Updated cells

All cells that are different on two worksheets – have changed values, formulas or styles are highlighted with orange color. Orange color formatting perfectly highlights changed cell in your Excel file. You will never miss it.

New and removed rows

Unique rows (rows that was added or removed in one of the Excel tables) receive green background for the left panel and red fill color for the right one. This is a standard formatting for the difference checking tools.

Virtually aligned rows

xlCompare put all changed rows one vs. one. Corresponding rows are always on the same level and you don't need to scroll other panel for the corresponding value.
Corresponding cell is exactly on the same height on the it's worksheet.
xlCompare finds reordered data and puts rows in the report into the right order.

Tooltip with detailed information

Just put your mouse over the cell and xlCompare will give you a complete information about this modification in a form of Tooltip window.
This is very easy method to find out what was changed in this cell. Do you spend your time to determine what was changed. xlCompare will present all the information to you.

Tendency arrows

Small arrow near the changed numeric value indicates increase of decrease of the value. Just look over the cells and you are getting first impression about the tendencies in your data.

Difference between updated numbers

xlCompare shows original value and modified value right in the same place. You don't need to locate correspondent value on the other sheet.
For the numerical cells xlCompare offers an option where you will get the difference, instead of modified value.
This is very useful feature that will save your time from calculating the differences yourself.
Original and modified value and difference between Excel cells

Complete list of all discrepancies

xlCompare groups all the differences into single list and publish them in the difference explorer window on the bottom of the comparison report.
Differences between two Excel tables

Summary grouped by type

All changes found in two Excel tables are grouped by the worksheets. Inside the worksheet group, changes are grouped by unique rows and columns and updated cells.
You can browse each group separately.


Comparison Legend on the left of the difference explorer is like a short summary of the operation.
You see total number of differences and number of differences in every group.
Click on each group to get the difference report filtered by this type of difference.

Total number of differences

Total number of the changed cells and unique rows is reflected in the Sheet Tab and in the caption in Difference Explorer.
Total number of differences in Excel tables

Get more space for your report

If you are working with 13' or 14' laptop, probably you don't have enough space on you screen for the data. xlCompare allows you to hide the Difference Explorer window to get more space for the worksheets.
Hide difference explorer to miximize comparison report

Options that affect comparison report

xlCompare has number of the options you can use to modify the results you are getting. Unfortunately, the data we receive is usually unsorted and may contain incorrect values, so you need to apply options to play with your comparison report and to get the best results.
Formatting options in xlCompare

Extended View

Extended View is an option that displays corresponding value right under the original value.

Display Difference

This option displays difference between two cells in the Excel tables, instead of showing the modified value. It works in the combination with Extended View option.

Hide equal sheets (modules)

When your Excel files consists of multiple worksheets, xlCompare hides equal sheets, or sheet that was not included into the comparison report.
This allows to get the comparison report more compact and point you to the actual differences between your Excel tables.

Change colors

What to do if you don't like formatting options offered for you by xlCompare? Option formatting page in the options and select the formatting you need. xlCompare offers you to define your own color formatting for every type of the difference.

How it works: xlCompare in the action

Compare Excel Files by Key Values

One of the biggest groups of Excel files can be named Tables with Key Columns. Excel spreadsheet is a suitable form to keep and edit database records.
You receive this type of worksheets very often. Every price list is a table, list of your clients is a table, list of transactions, and so on. Databases are deeply integrated into our business, and you need an efficient tool to work with your data.
xlCompare offers a big set of commands and options you can use to efficiently compare, filter and merge tables, stored in Excel files. Below we show you how to configure primary keys on your worksheets and get the comparison report, that is based on the key values.

Setup primary keys on the worksheet

Before you get the comparison report you need to point xlCompare to the primary key columns and rows in your file.
When xlCompare opens Excel file it analyzes data in the worksheet and assigns primary keys on the worksheet if possible. However, you can modify the default selection and assign another key columns, if initial assignment was wrong.
Right Click Menu
Clear keys
Before you select your own combination of the keys, you need to clear current selection. Use Primary Keys | Clear menu item in the Right Click Menu on the worksheet.
This command removes all primary keys columns and rows from the worksheet.

Add new keys

Now, add select the column(s) you would like to mark as key and right click on its heading. Apply command Primary Keys | Set as key.
This command assigns key icon to the heading of the selected column and highlights it with color.
Now you can easily identify key column among other columns.

Primary key with multiple columns

Can the primary key consist of several columns? Yes, to select a complex key - just repeat previous step for every column you need.
If primary keys go in the unsorted order, this is not a problem. You can select key columns in the any order on your worksheet.

Primary key row

Row Heading example
Usually, database table contains heading. This is row that contains field names.
If your table has key row - select it and set it as key using the same menu command as for the columns.
xlCompare highlights key rows on the worksheet as well.
Key row or heading is an important part that greatly simplifies the comparison. So, if your worksheet has key rows, please make sure that xlCompare knows about it.

Apply same keys to all sheets

I'm working with Excel file that has 30 worksheets with similar data. Corresponding file has same number of sheets.
Do you need to configure key columns and key rows on every worksheet.
No. You need to configure them only on the first sheet and apply the Primary Keys | Set to all sheets menu command from the right click menu.
It assigns same keys to every worksheet in all opened files. In a second you will have your keys assigned to all sheets.

Remember keys for future use

In the files I receive key columns goes in the reverse order. Do I need to configure columns one by one, every time I open the new spreadsheet?
xlCompare has a command that greatly simplifies this process. It will save you a lot of time and make comparison much easy for you.
After you've configured key columns on your sheet first time - your menu command Primary Keys | Remember Key
This command says xlCompare that it should remember this key.
Next time you can assign this saved selection by using command Primary Keys | Saved | Your Key.
So, usually you can setup columns only a few times and after this just reuse the saved choice.
Saved combination of the primary keys

How to compare Excel tables by primary keys step by step

All you need to do is to point xlCompare to the keys it should use. All other work is done by the application. So, at this step we are ready to get the results.
Press the Compare Files button on the ribbon. This button starts the comparison and opens comparison wizard.
Comparison Wizard is a window where you see what will be compared and how.

Check order of the keys

Use Keys button to check order of the primary keys in your files. This button brings Manage Primary Keys window where you see primary key columns assigned to all worksheets.
Usually, this step is optional and can be skipped, but you can do it to make sure that files are configured properly.
Edit primary keys window

Assign Excel table algorithm

xlCompare has several comparison strategies, that are called comparison algorithms. Comparison Wizard is the only place where you can select the comparison algorithm of every pair of worksheets.
The most used strategies are Excel Table for databases and General Worksheet for all other types of Excel files.
Select the worksheets, you need to change, and use Options button. It opens window where you can select the appropriate algorithm.
Every comparison strategy (algorithm) is marked with icon. This icon, that is shown in the list, gives you a quick information about the options uses for this pair of worksheets.
Select comparison algorithm

Get the results

After you finalize comparison wizard with Compare button, xlCompare gives you results that are based on the key columns and key rows (heading rows).
Now you can filter and merge data on the compared worksheets. Command you need to use to extract unique or modified rows are explained in the sections above.
Comparison report for Excel files with primary keys

Options you need to know to get the best results

Can the comparison be done in just a one click?
In the simple case - yes, but unfortunately data, our customers are working with, have complex structure and sometimes table is jut looks like a database, but it is not a classic database. For example, table may have duplicate values of primary keys and this is not an error, like in the database theory.
So, you need to know several options offered by xlCompare for the database data.
Options | Database comparison

Compare Excel sheets with changed keys

If your tables contain pair of almost equal rows with minor changes in the key value - this could be a modified key value. And not the insertion of 2 different rows into both tables.
This option allows primary keys to be changed.

Sort tables and comparison results by key

By default, xlCompare doesn't change order the data on your worksheets. It sorts cells internally and this doesn't have a visual reflection.
However, you can get your data sorted, by selecting option to sort the records. Also, this options sort the comparison report by key values.
This is important if you are going to merge two tables and get the right order of the records.

Highlight primary keys on the worksheet

xlCompare highlights the key columns and rows on the worksheet with color. This is made to notify you about key columns that will be used.
This is perfect visual representation of the key columns and rows on the worksheet view.

Ignore columns to minimize comparison noise

I've got a lot of changed values in one of the compared fields. Can I remove them from the comparison report.
Yes, use the Ignore Columns menu for this. It displays a checkmark on the column heading. Once unchecked - column is marked as ignored from comparison.
Ignored columns are not taken into account and doesn't produce any output for the comparison report.
Ignore columns in Excel compare

Merge two Excel tables with key columns

I need to combine two Excel sheets that have a key columns. Can I do this with xlCompare?
Yes, first that you need to do is to follow the instructions above to get your sheets compared properly.
After you have comparison results on your screen, go to the Merge tab on the ribbon.
Insert Rows from Left and Insert Rows from Right are the commands you should use to move all the rows from one panel into other.
Order of the inserted rows is determined from the comparison report. So, you can play with option that Sort the results to change order rows in the merged table.
Merge tab on the Ribbon in xlCompare

Having a question on how to compare Excel worksheets by keys?

light Contact us if you would like to see the demo. Our team will be happy to introduce xlCompare features and options for you on the real examples.

Find matching rows in two Excel files

Imagine that you have two Excel files with different structure. For example, every Excel files is a list of users extracted from two database tables.
Another name of this operation is Intersection. Your task is to find intersection of two sets of records.
On the internet forums, relative to various Excel tips and tricks, this operation is often called Find duplicates between two Excel worksheets.

How to find records (users) that are present in both lists?

Do the following:
  1. Start your xlCompare
  2. Drop two Excel files into the application
  3. Complete Comparison Wizard and get the report on your screen
  4. Apply Matching Rows command from the Home tab on the Ribbon
Now you have users, that are present in both Excel files, on your screen.
Filter matching rows in two Excel sheets

Save this list into external file

You don't need to do anything complex to extract records from Excel file in xlCompare. Just to the right click and use menu command Save | Visible Rows.
This command saves visible cells from selected worksheet into file on disk.


xlCompare is a tool that quickly performs Excel file comparison operations and allows to easily extract matching rows from Excel spreadsheets.

Get rows that are not present in another Excel file

This is typical task if you are working with Excel files or CSV files, that contains database data.
CSV files are often used to keep tables extracted from the database.
This operation is named Difference. Result of the operation is items from first Excel file, that are not present in the other Excel file.

To get the difference between Excel files, do the following:

  1. Drop both files into xlCompare.
  2. Get the comparison report on your screen. Just complete a Comparison Wizard by clicking on the Compare button.
  3. Apply Unique Rows filter. This command is present on the Home tab of the Ribbon.
Now your xlCompare application contains Difference between two Excel files.
Filter matching rows in two Excel sheets
Select the panel you need and save records on the disk using Save | Visible Rows command from the right click menu.


xlCompare is a robust and reliable tool that performs various spreadsheet comparison operations. Every complex action is transformed into set of simple operations.

Reasonable question:

Is there an alternative to xlCompare tool? Can this be done directly in Excel application?
Yes, sure. You can use VLOOKUP function to determine if cell is present on the other sheet. So, if you know several worksheet functions, like VLOOKUP, IF, INDEX, MATCH, ... you can configure your Excel file to filter different rows.
So, what are the benefits of xlCompare if I can do all of this in Excel?
xlCompare gives you ability to get the same results much more quickly with much less efforts and with minimum risk of error.
xlCompare saves your working time and this is important advantage.

Compare Visual Basic Code and Forms

A complete comparison of the Visual Basic Projects. xlCompare does all comparison and merge operations needed for VBA developers.
Compare VBA code with VBA diff tool xlCompare
VBA Diff Tool (xlCompare©) in the action

Changes in VBA code

xlCompare finds changes in the VBA Modules and displays them with color formatting.

Changes in forms and controls

Finding modifications between Forms in an Excel Worksheet is the most complex task. It won't be in in other comparators. xlCompare not only displays for you all Forms and Controls in the hierarchical tree view form, but also compares them and displays even minor changes between VBA Controls.

Merge VBA Projects

Merge VBA Code and Form Controls in single click. Just select code lines and click on the check icon! In a few seconds you will resolve all merge conflicts in your VBA code.

xlCompare as a part of Version Control Applications

xlCompare is a Diff Viewer and Merge Tool for Source Control Systems.
Integrate it into a third-party application with a set of command line options, as well as a 2 and 3-Way Worksheet Comparison feature.

Compare Multiple Excel Files

3-Way comparison - Compare changes made by you and your co-worker in the same version of the workbook.
Compare three Excel files with xl comparator

Resolve Merge Conflicts

Compare Excel files for differences to find and fix merge conflicts. Resolving merge conflicts between different versions of the same Excel file is one of the most important and complex tasks in version control. xlCompare compares 3 versions of the Excel workbook - YOURS, THE BASE and THEIRS. It gives you comprehensive reports of the changes made, with ability to merge conflicts.

Diff Viewer for SVN\GIT Tools

xlCompare supports rich set of the command line options, to be integrated into the SVN\GIT environment as Diff Viewer and Merge Tool.

Highlight Conflicts

All differences are marked with colors exactly in the worksheet views. Conflicts will have a red color to attract your attention, among other diffs.
Use xl comparator to resolve conflicts

Aligned Rows

Inserted\Deleted rows are virtually inserted into same place in the corresponding workbook. This gives a normal look for the modified worksheets.

Detailed Report

Put the cursor over the colored cell to get a detailed report about the changes made.

Merge two or multiple Excel files or sheets

Merge multiple Excel files into one

combine data from multiple sheets

Drop files you are going to merge into xlCompare

Open your Excel files in xlCompare, to start merging you files with ExcelDiff tool. This is very simple step. Excel File Compare has a number of commands to open Excel files. We recommend to drop your files into the xlCompare application. This way is the most fast and simple.

Define Primary Keys in your Excel File

Usually this command (merge excel files into one) is applied to excel files with database structure. Like price lists, invoices, various tables stored in Excel files. For this type of data Primary Key is a basis. Accurate comparison results are not possible without defined key columns and key rows on the worksheet. Excel File Compare Tool (xlCompare) works flexible with Excel files and allows to define primary keys and to create complex key that consists of several columns and contains duplicated values.

Use the Merge button on the Home tab

After files are opened and primary keys are defined, excel diff tool has all needed information to consolidated excel files into one. Go to the Home tab on the Ribbon and press the Merge button to merge all different rows and updated cells from the FILE2 into the FILE1 (right to left).

Get your Excel Files merged!

Simplicity is one of the principles of the our excel diff tool xlCompare. We would like to give you powerful and best excel file compare tool, but it should be as easy to use as possible. The most actions you can do in Excel File Compare are done in a few clicks only.

Merge all sheets into one in Excel file

merge several excel worksheets into one

Open your excel file in the Excel File Compare Tool

We've described how to open excel file in xlCompare tool in the article above. So, just drop your excel file into the xl comparator (xlCompare) window.

Check the Primary Keys

Normally this step is optional. xlCompare has a number of algorithms to define the primary keys in your excel file. In most cases you need to look into them only. However, if you have a complex data, or ID column is missed and primary key consists of the several columns - you may need to edit them using the Right Click Menu.

Open Merge Excel Sheets Wizard

Merge command on the Home tab on Ribbon opens Merge Excel Worksheets Wizard, if you have only one workbook opened in the excel file compare. The Wizard has minimum fields to be filled. Just select worksheet that receives consolidated data and check the worksheets whose contents should be merged. That's all. All other work is done by excel diff tool xlCompare. Complete the Wizard to get the results.

Get your worksheets consolidated!

As you see in a few clicks you are getting the consolidated worksheet. If you receive invoices, part lists, price lists or other tables splitted into smaller parts - xlCompare is a best excel file compare tool to automate your work and increase your productivity.

Explore Formula Logic and Debug Calculations in Excel files

xlCompare is more than the usual workbook comparing program. This tool has features creating productivity in various aspects.
Evaluate OFFSET worksheet function

Explore Formula Logic

View internal logical structure of the formula on your worksheet. Divide the formula into elementary parts. Display them in the hierarchical tree form. It's the most suitable way for recursive analysation.

Where the Value Came From

Review the list of calculation errors (#N\A, #VALUE, #DIV\0) and find out where the error came from. Expand all formula calculations and get source of the unexpected result.
Trace Precedents in Excel files

Trace Precedents

A drill-down trace of the formula dependencies in depth. Go through the formula precedents to find its input value. Check if 2 cells are dependent from one to another.

xlCompare is an Ultimate Tool for Excel File Comparison

xlcompare space on quora

xlCompare Space on Quora!

We've created this space to publish useful information about xlCompare and discussing various tips and tricks. Post your question in this space to share it with community.
We will be happy to see you in the list of our followers and contributors!

Are there any free methods to get difference in Excel files

Please, review the article below.
On this page we've described all known methods to compare Excel files for differences and included some Visual Basic Macros you can use to compare your Excel files.
List of the VBA macros will grow, because we are going to provide a free and simple solution for user who don't need in the professional tool.

Download Excel File Compare

On the DOWNLOAD page you can select version of xlCompare for your PC and download the setup package.


Current Version: 11.01

Build Date: June 21, 2023

Version History

During 15+ years our team has been working to provide you a robust and quality software. It boosts your productivity and saves you time and money. Just look into our list of changes on the page below to imagine amount of work done on the product.

Order Excel File Compare

Visit this page to get pricing information, license options and instructions on how to activate xlCompare on your computer.

ORDER NOW (-20%)

Order xlCompare

Personal Use
$59.99 $48.99
  • Compare and Merge Sheets
  • Compare and Merge VB Projects
  • Free Updates
  • 1 User
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Business Use
$119.99 $99.99
  • Compare and Merge Sheets
  • Compare and Merge VB Projects
  • Command Line Mode
  • SVN\GIT Integration
  • Bulk Merge Commands
  • VBA Automation
  • Trace and Debug Calculations
  • License Never Expires
  • Free Updates
  • 1 User
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Professional, 5
Business Use
$499.99 $399.99
  • Compare and Merge Sheets
  • Compare and Merge VB Projects
  • Command Line Mode
  • SVN\GIT Integration
  • Bulk Merge Commands
  • VBA Automation
  • Trace and Debug Calculations
  • License Never Expires
  • Free Updates
  • 5 Users
Order Now
* -20% SPRING OFFER is valid until June 1
* Standard license is for personal use only. You can't use it for your business
* All pricing packages include FREE Technical Support and new features with hotfixes by request.

Questions & Answers

Which payment methods are supported?
Orders are processed by our e-commerce partner, MyCommerce (Share*It) (part of the Digital River), through a secure SSL connection. It supports a rich set of payment methods: All major Credit Cards, PayPal, Bank/Wire Transfer, ...
Is this a one-time payment?
Yes, there will be no future payments. xlCompare is sold as a Permanent License. It's not like a regular subscription. You pay once and receive a lifetime license.
Do you have volume discounts?
Yes. If you are ordering 5 and more licenses, please contact us for a Coupon Code. We'll provide you a discount.
Do you collect my Credit Card information?
No. Spreadsheet Tools and Share-It does not collect your Credit Card data.
Should I order a license for my new PC?
No. If you've got new PC - you can transfer your license to this new computer. You can do it yourself on your account in the Customer Area, or you can send us an e-mail, and we'll do it for you.
How many activations do I have?
One xlCompare license allows you to use the software on one PC. If you plan to use xlCompare on more than 1 computer - you will need a license for the every PC.
Is technical support included?
Yes. Free updates and unlimited technical support is included with your license. If you have any questions - contact us to get a prompt response.
Do you work with resellers?
Yes. Please contact us to receive additional information.