Find duplicates in your worksheets

This is another useful command in the worksheet processing.
For example, you have 4 lists of data stored on the Excel worksheets and need to find records which are present in all lists. You can spend whole all day on copying and pasting records from one sheet to another. xlCompare does this work in a seconds. All you need is to open workbooks you want to process and select Get Duplicates command:
When you select Get Duplicates command, xlCompare does the following:
  • Find unique and duplicate records on both worksheets
  • Unique records are removed from the both worksheets
Like the Merge command, this one does all work itself and gives you result in single click.
This command doesn't add color formatting, it just gives you list of records.
On image below you can see typical results on the merge command:
  • Button Compare was changes to Get Duplicates
  • Only unique records are present on all processed worksheets

See Also: